
Monster Shark Tournament Results

Monster Shark Tournament Results Average ratng: 8,0/10 5577 votes

Thu, Jul 21, 2011, 7:00am
Oak Bluffs Town Center
Oak Bluffs

A 1,191-pound tiger shark was caught off Martha's Vineyard, Mass., last weekend by fishermen taking part in a monster shark fishing derby. But the crew of the Castafari was too late returning to. For three decades now Atlantic anglers have reserved the third weekend every July for a tournament that has continued to revolutionize the standards of sport fishing events, a proverbial blue water benchmark. 2016 will commemorate the 30-year anniversary of the Monster Shark Tournament (MST.). A 429-pound porbeagle shark was the winning catch on the first day of the Monster Shark Tournament Friday. Dan Lundy landed the shark aboard Magellan out of Harwich, captained by Jason Pillsbury. It was their first time to fish the tournament, which is sponsored by the Boston Big Game Fishing Club and carries a $20,000 prize for the boat that wins the most points. Annual monster shark tournament off of Martha's Vineyard in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts. Numerous sharks, including great white sharks.

BUY AT DOOR 781-834-2899
The 25th Annual Oak Bluffs Monster Shark Tournament on the harbor in Oak Bluffs is the preeminent sportfishing event of the 2011 Summer Tournament series. As always, expect world-class sportfishing, fine dining and excitement for all. The top five finishers will be awarded with a variety of highly valuable prizes and awards. Whether you're a prominent angler with a top placing boat from a previous year or just getting started in tournament fishing, you will want to be part of the excitement. Please join the Boston Big Game Fishing Club with your friends and family.
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OBBC Classic
Weigh Station Hours (open to the public at no charge) Friday July 22nd, 3:30 PM - 7:00 PM and Saturday July 23rd, 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM E-mail bostonbiggame@hotmail.com for any questions.

27th Annual Monster Shark Tournament

Date: 18. – 20. July 2013. Two fishing days ( 19. and 20. July ).

Location: Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA.

Tournament Results :

A total of 12 sharks were weighed in over two days:

Eight specimens ( six makos and two porbeagles ) on 19. July

and four specimens ( one mako and three porbeagles ) on 20. July.

Winning Boats:

1st Place: Magellan ( 742 Points )
2nd Place: Karen Jean II ( 673 Points )
3rd Place: Fish On ( 391 Points )

1st Day Weigh-ins – 19. July 2013 :

Species: Porbeagle shark ( Lamna nasus )
Weight: 429 lbs
Angler: Dan Lundy
Boat: Magellan

Species: Porbeagle (Lamna nasus)
Weight: 361 lbs
Boat: Karen Jean II

Species: Shortfin mako shark ( Isurus oxyrinchus )
Weight: 244 lbs
Boat: Tokatomist

Species: Shortfin mako shark ( Isurus oxyrinchus )
Weight: 226 lbs
Boat: Fourtunate

Species: Shortfin mako shark ( Isurus oxyrinchus )
Weight: 219 lbs
Boat: Chasing Tales

Species: Shortfin mako shark ( Isurus oxyrinchus )
Weight: 202 lbs
Boat: Double Diamond

Species: Shortfin mako shark ( Isurus oxyrinchus )
Weight: 160 lbs
Boat: Gotta Do
Note: Penalized 100 Points, minimum weight for Mako is 200 lbs

Species: Shortfin mako shark ( Isurus oxyrinchus )
Weight: 157 lbs
Boat: American Mustang
Note: Penalized 100 Points, minimum weight for Mako is 200 lbs

2021 monster shark tournament results

2nd Day Weigh-ins – 20. July 2013

Species: Porbeagle (Lamna nasus)
Weight: 391 lbs
Boat: Fish On

Species: Porbeagle (Lamna nasus)
Weight: 313 lbs
Angler: Dan Lundy
Boat: Magellan

Species: Porbeagle (Lamna nasus)
Weight: 312 lbs
Boat: Karen Jean II

Species: Shortfin mako shark ( Isurus oxyrinchus )
Weight: 187 lbs
Boat: Done Deal
Note: Disqualified


You can find last year’s tournament results in our related post


Related Video by Christy Aumer ( uploaded by mvtimes on 22.07.2013 )

Jason Pillsbury, Captain on the Magellan, talks about his win at his
first Monster Shark Tournament. This year marked the 27th year the tournament has been in Oak Bluffs, MA.

Monster Shark Tournament Results