If you have the email confirmation option enabled for your account, check your email address associated with MinerGate account and see if you have received a confirmation email. Click on the link if you did.
Pending Transaction For Direct Deposits
If you you did receive the message and clicked on a link or if you do not have any email confirmation options at all and your transaction is still pending, please proceed to the Service Health page and check the marker in the withdrawals column near your currency.
- Pending Withdrawals? I've got two pending withdrawals, one from before withdrawals were suspended, and one from after they were suspended and reinstated. Both withdrawals are to my coinbase account, that I have been using for the past 3 years with NH.
- It will be processed on the dates indicated on your Pending Withdrawals table. Processing: The request is being processed. Once processed, the funds being withdrawn will be sent to your chosen withdrawal method. Read more here for the time frames after withdrawal processing.
A pending withdrawal or transaction is one that will be completed in the near future. The bank knows about it, but the funds have not yet been moved. A withdrawal, meanwhile, takes funds from your account immediately. Together, the words pending withdrawal mean funds are leaving your account soon, perhaps in one to three business days.
If it has the ‘Delayed’ red marker, this means that there are currently some issues delaying the processing of your transaction. Our tech team is aware of these issues and is working to resolve them as soon as possible. Please wait until the marker becomes ‘Online’ again and check your transaction. Most probably it will be processed successfully by that time or failed and refunded back to your balance.
Pending Withdrawals Wells Fargo
Pending Withdrawals/ Debits
- If transactions in your currency are perfectly healthy (have ‘Online’ status) and yours is still pending, contact MinerGate Support team and ask for help. Remember to include some information about the pending transaction (currency, sum and date)